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Recapping the Green Corridor Run — or is it blue?

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The Green Corridor Run was yesterday morning

It has the latest flag-off time of all the races I've joined - 9am for the first wave. I was in the second wave, which was supposed to flag off at 9:20am, but in real life, it was 20 minutes later.

I like the late morning flag-off because I could get more sleep after working the night before. But there is a trade-off which I'll get into later.

The starting line was at the old Tanjng Pagar Railway Station.

Selfies before the race.

Approaching the starting line.

And we're off!

In the beginning, the terrain was a lot of grass (which I nearly tripped over a couple of time) before it narrows to a trail.

Speaking of narrow, the Green Corridor is really a narrow corridor and with so many runners, we were running practically elbow to elbow, making it difficult to overtake. The first half of the race was mostly bottleneck.

But the path widened whenever we went under a bridge, which was an opportunity to overtake, but the terrain was mostly loose gravel, which wasn't easy to run on.

The runners started to spread out only in the last third of race, but by that time, I was too exhausted to pass people. The heat was a factor, and that's the problem with the late morning start.

I kinda wish the race had started two hours or even just an hour earlier to avoid the heat, especially considering the recent sunny weather. Unlike at MacRitchie, where I run weekly, the Green Corridor provides very little shade. And the clear skies didn't help.

I really struggled to complete the 10.5km. It took me almost 1 hour 8 minutes to reach the finish line.

It got me worried that signing up for the 21km 2XU Compression Run later this month was a mistake. (The March 29 race starts at 5am, so sunny weather will not be a problem but waking up early will be.)

After the run, I got a banana and a pear, which was a first. I also got a slight tan.

Drone attack!

I was told it rained during last year's race, making the trail very muddy, which I think was worse than battling the heat.

While the race was organised well enough, I'm not sure I would join again next year. The Green Corridor itself just isn't a very fun route to run.

For trail running, I still prefer MacRitchie for the scenery and meeting the occasional wildlife

A video posted by SM Ong (@sm_ong) on

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