If you don't know, Crazy Rich Asians is a bestseller by Singaporean Kevin Kwan. I haven't read the book myself.
It is being turned into a movie directed by Jon M Chu, who directed Now You See Me 2.
Last month, the director posted a video asking Asian talents to post a video with the hastag #CrazyRichaAianscasting to be part of the movie, "whether you're in Thailand, Singapore, Phillipines..."
And quite a few Singaporeans have done just that, including Nat Ho and Vernetta Lopez.
I'm just kinda of amazed by the number Singaporeans with angmoh accents. It's not just Amos Yee and Joseph Schooling.
Yeah, there's plenty more where these come from.
It is being turned into a movie directed by Jon M Chu, who directed Now You See Me 2.
Last month, the director posted a video asking Asian talents to post a video with the hastag #CrazyRichaAianscasting to be part of the movie, "whether you're in Thailand, Singapore, Phillipines..."
And quite a few Singaporeans have done just that, including Nat Ho and Vernetta Lopez.
I'm just kinda of amazed by the number Singaporeans with angmoh accents. It's not just Amos Yee and Joseph Schooling.
Yeah, there's plenty more where these come from.