Three days earlier, Singapore was ranked second to last in Time Out London magazine’s list of the 32 “most exciting cities in the world right now”.

I mean, why would Ms McFarland want to be posted to a country that is less exciting than the city where she works – Washington, DC, ranked 23rd on the list?
It has been 13 months since Mr Kirk Wagar, the previous US ambassador to Singapore, resigned in January last year.
Thanks to Time Out, Singapore could be without a US ambassador for juuuuust a bit longer.
Personally, I’m okay with Singapore not being too exciting. Excitement is overrated.
You know what the most exciting city on Time Out’s list is?
Didn’t President Trump recently say that last year, “a person was shot in Chicago every three hours”?
I believe Mr Trump is someone who never gets his facts wrong.
No, wait. According to the Chicago Tribune, Mr Trump was mistaken. Is that possible?
The newspaper said that one person was actually shot every two hours and 25 minutes.
So it’s worse than Mr Trump said.
I don’t know about you, but I would rather be in an unexciting city than a city where I get shot every two hours and 25 minutes.
That’s a little too much excitement.
But I understand that being ranked the 31st most exciting city in the world isn’t exactly a good thing for Singapore’s tourism industry despite the lack of people getting shot on a 2½-hourly basis here.
So I was glad at first that the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) responded to the Time Out list.
What shocked me was that STB actually agreed with the magazine!
This is what was posted on the Visit Singapore Facebook page on Thursday: “Yeah, Time Out London, we’re pretty ‘unexciting’. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
I couldn’t believe it.
Isn’t STB supposed to promote Singapore as a tourist destination? Conceding that Singapore is pretty “unexciting” with a shrug emoji is not promoting Singapore as a tourist destination.

What’s worse is that STB also posted a video disparaging our country.
Brace yourself. This is what it says in the video:
“Yeah, Singapore is boring.There is nothing exciting to do. Nightlife is underwhelming. Everything is concrete. There is no art and culture. Everything is so expensive. Could we be any more boring?”This is outrageous.
Even Time Out didn’t call Singapore boring. It just said the city is the 31st most exciting. And that is out of the thousands of cities in the world.
If there is a Casey Kasem Top 40 countdown for exciting cities, we would be on it.
But in the video, STB calls Singapore boring – twice. It doesn’t even mention the lack of people getting shot. What tourist would visit our wonderful city-state now?
You have one job, STB!
Why isn’t there a greater uproar over this?
It’s sarcasm? What is?
What do you mean the video is being sarcastic?
Yes, I know what sarcasm is.
Ohhhhh, so the video is actually saying the opposite of what it actually says?
So STB doesn’t really agree with Time Out that Singapore is pretty “unexciting”?
Okay, that makes more sense.
I get it now, even though I don’t use sarcasm myself because some dummy might not realise you’re being sarcastic and take you literally.
That is sometimes how fake news starts.
Who knows?
Thanks to the STB video, someone might actually want to be ambassador to Singapore.
- Published in The New Paper, 5 January 2018