In case anyone else missed this… #FamousAmos#AmosYee from @Popular_SG. I thought it was quite funny leh!
— Joy Lee (@_underjoyed) May 1, 2015
Leave that motherfucking kid man #AmosYee he is a genius, save the world can still be stalled
— Sumit Anand (@Chant_Anand) May 1, 2015
Was having my haircut and i overheard a conversation about Amos Yee. Glad to hear that most people pity Amos' Father instead of Amos.
— Lushhhh (@gongchuen) May 1, 2015
I mean honestly I think it's rlly difficult to ban Amos Yee from social media. I mean like c'mon, in our age, EVERYBODY USES SOCIAL MEDIA
— MINX ✨ (@minnx_) May 1, 2015
My parents told me I was a milder version of Amos yee and I was like eXCUSE ME!?!?????
— :^) ♨ (@halcyoneus_x) May 1, 2015
Oh god. Chanced upon Amos Yee and his hair again on the internet. Someone cut it PLEASE.
— James Wong (@jameshkh1209) May 1, 2015
Oh god. Chanced upon Amos Yee and his hair again on the internet. Someone cut it PLEASE.
— James Wong (@jameshkh1209) May 1, 2015
Seriously this Amos Yee is crap. Why waste time and effort on him? #AmosYee
— Karen (@CrackaKaren) May 1, 2015
@amosyee hope you're doing alright. shitty comfort, i know, but i mean it
— malec (@maIecficent) May 1, 2015
You all criticize #AmosYee clothing, make fun of him all but are your english are as good as him or are you even independent at all?
— zacky (@kidnextroom) May 1, 2015
#AmosYee dresses like a fucking grandmother
— andreas pereira (@hussell) May 1, 2015
Singapore has achieved a lot over the past decades, but the treatment of a 16-year old free voice is shocking:
— T sirevaag (@toreosl) May 1, 2015
Baltimore mother versus #AmosYee slapper— SM Ong (@sm0ng) May 1, 2015
The pastor that posted Amos Yee's bail, dearie me. His income tax increased 20k because an ingrate cannot refrain from keyboard-warrioring
— MingXun Tay (@TickleMeMing) May 1, 2015
If you're even thinking of 'helping' Amos Yee by donating, I strongly urge you to donate to the Nepal earthquake.— Serene Tan (@serenetan) May 1, 2015
Amos yeeis a wimpier version of my 16 year old self. Judging by his blog, fucking similar life but different setting— Anarchist Narcissist (@skyRazak) April 30, 2015
@STcom#AmosYee a marked man why wasn't he provided police protection @SingaporePolice Fortunately it was only a slap could have been worse!— Maurice A. Phillips. (@MoorTalk46) April 30, 2015
For all you know, this slapping Amos Yee may spin off into a fad just like happy slapping in the UK a few years...— JayWalk(@voxeros) April 30, 2015
Watching Amos Yee's slap video on repeatttttt.— Samantha Yang (@Samanthaysy) April 30, 2015
That man who slapped Amos Yee deserves a slap for slapping Amos Yee only once.— Kai 凯 (@celibateforlife) April 30, 2015
A man slapping a minor & run away? Act of cowardice & misplaced patriotism. Shining example of a society that lacks social grace. #AmosYee— Ariffin (@arifeign) April 30, 2015
On a side not, what if the guy that slapped Amos yeewas set up by him as a bid to gain pity #inspectorAdli#ruckus— Adli(@SwirlyButts) April 30, 2015
My entire FB newsfeed is Amos Yee. Just thought I'd put it out there.— Shah Kyle Malinda (@shahkylemalinda) April 30, 2015
The Amos Yee situation is becoming a lilbit of a mess now. It's like when you get a cut and you decide to dig into it with your fingers.— 贱 SAVAGE NORRIS 贱 (@WessenHaus) April 30, 2015
I feel sick to the stomach every time I see the video of that guy slapping Amos Yee— Shiyuan(@teeasswhy) April 30, 2015
I was expecting Amos Yee to be slapped this way though....— 火の剣@ Candy Lips (@UuaanPewo) April 30, 2015
hhHahahAhahHHhahaha this Amos yee damn lepak— tommy (@mdf4iq) April 30, 2015
Is Amos Yee Singapore's new-age Gandhi?— your dreams (@jakachuuu) April 30, 2015
This Amos Yee development is a huge embarrassment to my country.— Kevin Leong (@kevinlegend) April 30, 2015
Why's everyone riding Amos Yee's dick now?— RaushanToby (@PapaToby) April 30, 2015
That video of Amos Yee getting slapped seems so fake to me 😏 you mean to say that he got slapped and just continued to walk to court...dafuq— Annemarie Rayan (@nmarielionn) April 30, 2015
CB THE WAY THE GUY RUN OFF AFTER SLAPPING AMOS YEE DAMN FUNNY WTF— Anarchist Narcissist (@skyRazak) April 30, 2015
Wah the guy slap Amos yee so hard can hear the piak sound— Ivan Koo (@Ivansokoo) April 30, 2015
I don't mind the slap but cb, slap then run away like a pussy. Haha. He's more of a coward than Amos Yee.— KirilHerrera (@BawangPurple) April 30, 2015
Wish that guy who slapped amosyeewould come and slap me, need a wake up call.— Bernard Ong (@Ber_NaRRRD) April 30, 2015
ican watch amosyeegetting slapped forever— --- (@chopstuck) April 30, 2015
That guy that slapped Amos Yee got some slappinskills🔥👌— LLA-MAA (@jeremiahchankh) April 30, 2015
amos yee i cannot even anything do you have any eyeballs to see wtf are you wearing— v (@mrgunduman) April 30, 2015
omg I live near the bedok police station and i'd like to wait there and give amos yee a slap across his face— jol (@jolly_appleseed) April 30, 2015
plot twist: angry man in red shirt was actually amosyeetraveling back in time from the future— Brian Wong (@brianKPwong) April 30, 2015
I want to slap the person who slapped amosyeethen ask him how stupid it feels. Really, a slap.— Celine Sng(@Really_Common) April 30, 2015
you are fAMOSbut people go 'YEEyer' because you are AMOS YEE— pingpongwong(@bryanalwayswong) April 30, 2015
Omg can somebody give Amos Yee a haircut please— natasharosli (@finkiex) April 30, 2015
why is my dad so happy abt amos yee being slap...— Shu Ting Rock(Ting²) (@ngshuting2002) April 30, 2015
Oh btw, people who support Amos Yee... Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go bail him out? See if he fucks you over. 😊👍— ♥‿♥ Xiaxue ★彡 (@Xiaxue) April 30, 2015
whr did amos yee get his polka dot pants?— 皇后 (@_Pocketz) April 30, 2015
Hard to admit but amosyeehands fucking pretty like girl one omg— g-ohpeishan(@Gee_Pee_Ass) April 30, 2015
that red man who slapped amosyeeis probably 1. patriotic as fuck 2. childish as fuck— ~ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ~ (@kimjongkr) April 30, 2015
The funniest part about the entirety of the Amos Yee events is that the govt proved his point while we saw the extent of LKY's brainwashing.— Joe Pagnelli (@joepagnelli) April 30, 2015
the moment when amos yee looked like a mori boy when he got slapped— ♛ j u n ♛ (@foolishchilde) April 30, 2015
If Jesus is here, he wouldn't be so mean like how everyone treats Amos Yee— The J (@HappyFishz) April 30, 2015
Amos Yee getting bitch slapped today. It's actually very disconcerting that you can get physically assaulted so openly in front of court.— rey of sunshine (@kaijuwhisperer) April 30, 2015
sg1 month ago ; " amosyeeah deserves a whacking in the face " sg now ; " aiyooohe's just a boy how dare that stranger slap him"— ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ' (@hxiyii) April 30, 2015
I wonder if The New Yorker might want to revise their article on Amos Yee.— BAOYING (@Baobasaur) April 30, 2015
I split out my food and laugh when I saw amosyeekennaslap.— hypophrenia_ (@depressionx_) April 30, 2015
My facebookis full of amosyeearticle . the video keep repeating— ʕ•̫͡•ོʔJ.Khor조이◔_◔ (@ehjoyah) April 30, 2015
I do feel that our society is dead.. No one stood up for Amos Yee and confront the attacker.— this is kelvin. (@kkwlz) April 30, 2015
Who the hell was that legend that went to slap Amos Yee— Justin (@Justinczk) April 30, 2015
Just a slap for Amos Yee ?? Nah not enough.— Ricardo Wilson Ng (@ricardowilsonng) April 30, 2015
can everyone just stop talking bout Amos Yee alrlike urgh.— ♚ⓐⓝⓓⓡⓔⓐ♔ (@prettyscarsxx_) April 30, 2015
My mom call amosyee"almondyee" hahahaha— potter potter(@Benpotter_Cheez) April 30, 2015
My dad scolded me so fucking badly because I disagreed Amos Yee should be slapped— RinRin(@rina_leh) April 30, 2015
I get that Amos Yee is wrong but it's impossible to slap the stupid out of someone so why do it and lay yourself in trouble?— Luna (@idejimin) April 30, 2015
Amos Yee, had he been born in another country, could be one of our generation's leaders of a revolution against the status quo. No joke.— Ye Marn(@y2jsaveus) April 30, 2015
amosyeeshould have been slapped long ago— ╯▂╰ (@amxndyxgoh) April 30, 2015
Still contemplating whether the assault issue regarding Amos Yee is amusing or cruel— eggplant (@vmvlia) April 30, 2015
No doubt the person who slapped Amos Yee is wrong and unacceptable, but I have to admit that the slap was pretty darn good— ωilson Leoω (@wlsnlw7) April 30, 2015
I suppose Amos Yee got slapped by the long arm of the law— phone. (@viskingtubing) April 30, 2015
man, the thing's I would do to amosyee... shake his hand with my left, telling him that I respect what he's doing, then a solid right hook— ray allen's calves (@huanglin) April 30, 2015
Poor Amos Yee. Someone slaps him and all people want to do is whip out their camera phones. #ouch— Marcus Chhan (@MarcusChhan) April 30, 2015
Spread Love, Not Hate. 😊
— Popular Book Company (@Popular_SG) April 30, 2015

Reading so much amosyeefbwatsetime— :{} (@Happytraya) April 30, 2015
just cosAmos Yee is a dick— Ian Wong (@ianwongkj) April 30, 2015
The guy shouldn't have slapped Amos Yee. He should have cut Amos' hair instead.— James Wong (@jameshkh1209) April 30, 2015
tat person tat slap Amos Yee must be thinking that ' wow people ihave guts , but you guys dont'— 傻 。 (@winnienwl) April 30, 2015
iswear the guy who slapped amosyeehas no mother fucking retard hope he fall off the kerb get his retard head smashed by a bus— zulhairi. (@fyeahhairi) April 30, 2015
idon't think anyone meant it literally when we said someone should slap some sense into #AmosYee ...— qιngrυ⚡️ (@lift_yourhands) April 30, 2015
Amos Yee slapped on the way to court. All I can say is - to the advocates of free speech, why prejudice against free movement of the hand?— Joshua (@cyniclysmic) April 30, 2015
man who punched #AmosYee should be given the penance stare by ghost rider. ghost rider loves souls who bully the weak.— ジュン (@zerofighterx) April 30, 2015
Hey I have an idea, maybe @SG50 can start a new Stop Child Assault campaign? Or how about the inevitable "Je Suis Amos Yee" online petition?— Jun Hao (@bvzzrd) April 30, 2015
@amosyee hey since u live near amkcud we have supper one day— dia(@kkkhlamydia) April 30, 2015
Why did the guy who slapped #AmosYee said "sue me" but ran away after? Why he didn't opt for 1-on-1 at padang lepas sekolah is beyond me.— Jin Shern (James) (@JamesJSChai) April 30, 2015
To the man who slapped Amos Yee— ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (@radheman) April 30, 2015
People stood by and did nothing as a full grown man struck Amos Yee. Yet they think the problem with Singapore is the kid.— tsufae (@tsufae) April 30, 2015
This say manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather are fighting one another why not make it triple threat match? Put #AmosYee in there as well.— Oh look! A tweet! (@WoShiAhQ) April 30, 2015
So….somebody went up to Amos Yee and asked him “what did the five fingers say to the face?”
— Sailesh Aswath (@sailesh88) April 30, 2015