Panda porn: 50 shades of black & white
I felt like I needed a cigarette afterwards.And I don’t even smoke. (Can you smoke a bamboo shoot?)I haven’t seen such unabashed coverage of wild sex acts in mainstream media since the opening of the...
View ArticleAmos Yee slapped, Twitter hits back
In case anyone else missed this… #FamousAmos#AmosYee from @Popular_SG. I thought it was quite funny leh!— Joy Lee (@_underjoyed) May 1, 2015Leave that motherfucking kid man...
View ArticleHi 5 to Wendy's & Popular! Have some Famous Amos cookies on me
It’s no way to treat a child.Sure, she has been used to sell square burgers and a different kind of “chili” that many Singaporeans may not be otherwise familiar with, but Wendy is still a child.At...
View ArticleWhat is 'statutory class licence'? (Plus The Real Singapore's last front page?)
So Manny Pacquiao wasn't the only one who lost yesterday.The Real Singapore website was no longer accessible yesterday after the Government said so.Here is MDA's statement in full, which was released...
View ArticleMDA critics holding their noses while defending freedom of speech
"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."- Attributed to Voltaire, but first used by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing under the pseudonym of Stephen G...
View ArticleMummy! Jurong Point made me cry with its manipulative Mother's Day video
The headline on my Facebook news feed last week said: “This viral Mother’s Day video by Jurong Point may leave you in tears.”Another clickbait that could “leave me in tears”?Haven’t I shed enough tears...
View ArticleDick Lee's new NDP song for SG50 rhymes 'core' with Singapore
Last year, no new official NDP song was written for National Day.Two possible reasons:First, organisers were burned by the reaction to the previous year's song, One Singapore, which set a new standard...
View ArticleIn tweets: Amos Yee 'molested', media trolled, saga continues
Holy fucking shit the Amos Yee Saga is getting interesting. HE CLAIMS HIS BAILOR MOLESTED HIM OMG— Trundle The Great (@ShaunMercury) May 13, 2015Oh Boy ,is tat real ,cld the Vatican ask him to poke yur...
View ArticleCarl's Jr's 'Everybody loves big breasts' ad sexist? Look at its otherads
Some people are complaining that this Carl's Jr ad is sexist.You think that's sexist? These are sexist.Surprisingly, this one's from Burger King.
View ArticleIn tweets: Amos Yee apologises to Vincent Law... or not?
So I just read Amos yee called his bailer a molestor... He really is a cunt, isn't he?— Adriussboy (@MartinAdriuss) May 14, 2015The way Amos Yee talks about how he masturbates to hentai and creampie is...
View ArticleLet's think about improving government videos about foreign workers
Last week, the Singapore Government released a series of videos with the tagline “Let’s think about it”.At least, I assume it’s the Singapore Government since the YouTube videos were uploaded by...
View ArticleI was stunned like vegetable by Deputy PM Tharman Shanmugaratnam
Two years ago, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said something to me and I totally missed it.I had joined the 10km Jurong Lake Run, which Mr Tharman was flagging off...
View Article18 years of Birthday Boy
View ArticleDick Lee SG50 song: What else rhymes with 'Singapore'
After a preview of the song earlier this month, the official video of NDP 2015 Theme Song: Our Singapore by Dick Lee was released this week.I've blogged about the song earlier and expressed how annoyed...
View ArticleSingapura: The Musical by foreigners no worse than NDP song by Singaporean
Talk about revisionist history.Who knew that before nationhood, Singaporeans spoke with a Filipino accent?But then expecting Singapura: The Musical by the Philippines-based 4th Wall Theatre Company to...
View Article'Aisey' or 'aiseh': What did you say?
Lately, I've been noticing the recurring use of an unfamiliar word.Aisey.Posted by SMRT Ltd (Feedback) on Wednesday, May 27, 2015Indian National Names His Baby "Lee Kuan Yew"LKY fever hits India: A...
View ArticleSEA Games opener: Even before racist Indian accent, Sharon Au was 'annoying'
So Sharon Au has apologised for having a little fun with an Indian girl at the SEA Games opening ceremony last night.According to an audience member:In an audience interaction segment before the start...
View ArticleHistory on repeat: The Government and The Art Of Charlie Chan Hock Chye
Someone once said: “Learn from history or you're doomed to repeat it.”I think it was George Santayana, the late Spanish writer and philosopher.Or Jesse Ventura, the American former professional...
View ArticleTo mourn or celebrate? Kinabalu tragedy versus SEA Games medals
Friday was the opening ceremony of the SEA Games in Singapore. On the same day, the Sabah earthquake happened.This resulted in a bipolar Straits Times front page the next day with the headline "Sabah...
View ArticleWhy is Sharon Au's mock accent 'racist' but Dim Sum Dollies' are not?
So I went to see The History Of Singapore Part 1 by the Dim Sum Dollies a couple of nights ago.In the show, the Dollies - Selena Tan, Pam Oei and Denise Tan - and Hossan Leong (whom I believe are all...
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