So I just read Amos yee called his bailer a molestor... He really is a cunt, isn't he?— Adriussboy (@MartinAdriuss) May 14, 2015
The way Amos Yee talks about how he masturbates to hentai and creampie is really really interesting...— Quentinn (@_WolverineSesat) May 14, 2015
Shockingly, it is possible to believe that #AmosYee is an asshole AND that he's been unfairly and unjustly punished in #Singapore.— Judith Jacob (@judithpjacob) May 14, 2015
Am I the only one who don't give a damn to the whole Amos yee saga. he played with fire, so now he shall face the consequences himself. yup.— Izwandelex (@IzwanDelex) May 14, 2015
Must not tweet about Amos Yee, must not tweet about Amos Yee, must not tweet about Amos Yee.— Raun A. (@theindiedave) May 14, 2015
Amos yee is being a douche bag— Daren (@wadcomesaround) May 14, 2015
I fucking love the amos yee troll haha— Anarchist Narcissist (@skyRazak) May 14, 2015
How many people are going to dress up as banana-eating Amos Yee for Halloween this year?— Visakan Veerasamy (@visakanv) May 14, 2015
It hurts me to say this but Cesar Milan is the only person left who can help Amos Yee.— Jiak Liao Bee (@JiakLiaoBee) May 14, 2015
Amos Yee has become Singapore's First Minister of Trolling ... Not sure what happens next but he isn't slowing down https://t.co/ThyHZg5fyF— Ryan Pearson (@ryanwrd) May 14, 2015
lol.. people are pissed because he's calling christians out for not practising what they preach? http://t.co/RGZJGK7wXX— Aaron Loy (@shadowoflighty) May 14, 2015
I always thought Amos Yee was just a kid who didn't know better, but after his Fake molestation claims, I honestly believe he is just scum.— Matin ♛ (@weedishfart) May 14, 2015
And now genuine molestation/rape cases will be taken less seriously cause the victim will just be dismissed as pulling an "Amos Yee".— Matin ♛ (@weedishfart) May 14, 2015
Name yourself The Amos TImes already. http://t.co/kMlFW1k1es— Gwee Li Sui (@gweezilla) May 14, 2015
Contrary to popular belief, I think Amos Yee is seriously one smart motherfucker.— Valerawr (@tenthsix) May 15, 2015
amos yee has an amazing vocabulary but thats about it..dun see anything "bright" about accusing his bailor for molestation for attention lol— dorcas (@lwxnxn) May 15, 2015
Amos yee is truthfully a stunt queen i did not expect the molestation drama? Like what kindda dramatic turn of events? Icon tbh— D (@djansdiary) May 15, 2015
Does #AmosYee verdict signal a crackdown on political expression? Given the grounds of his conviction, I don't think it was about #LKY.— Carlton Tan (@carltontansg) May 15, 2015
The entire #AmosYee debacle is such a huge fucking mess, and nuance is sorely lacking in most coverages/op-eds of the saga.— Jiawin Ng (@HerrJiaWin) May 15, 2015
I have this feeling that Amos yee going to write his apology letter in comic sans.— Philip (@plip14) May 15, 2015
Amos Yee And Vincent Law Bury The Hatchet...On Social Media And we all lived happily ever after. Or did we?... http://t.co/09MelVBzW8— Must Share News (@MustShareNews) May 15, 2015
In some countries, the anti-hero would have been given a $$$ book deal and featured on anti-establishment... http://t.co/6R1susR15I— IamSHo (@iamstanho) May 15, 2015
#AmosYee Your so called "Freedom" comes w responsibility. An untamed tongue is liken a poisonous snakes pic.twitter.com/aDpPiJ0Vjy— Jennifer Kok (@ArrowSparrow) May 15, 2015
#AmosYee's apology is like the #Trivelis' developer's apology. Unreserved, loaded with goodwill, and not at all a PR disaster. Up is down.— Carlton Tan (@carltontansg) May 15, 2015
Amos Yee posts sarcastic appeal for forgiveness, is “extremely remorseful” for allegations of molest http://t.co/Dep4vAimRF— Mothership (@MothershipSG) May 15, 2015
So angry at ignorant homophobic comments I'm quivering with rage. https://t.co/SjoNDg1SWE— Lin Congzheng (@AhZheng) May 15, 2015
The Tories want to "ban extremists". Just this week, similar laws here have been used to imprison a 16-year-old dissident, Amos Yee.— Glendon Giam (@blueproto) May 15, 2015
this Amos Yee guy is a manipulative pathological liar what the fuck lol. But he's entertaining though honestly. Gotta give him that— Yanping (@Petitepinks) May 15, 2015
Just because you are pro-freedom of speech doesn't mean you are pro-Amos Yee— Agagooga (@gssq) May 15, 2015
Young black boys & girls leading protests in U.S. When will our children be as socially aware? We had #AmosYee and the state took him.— Geetha (@fallenvirgo) May 15, 2015
@deciduity I now imagine everything Amos Yee says in the Eric Cartman voice. "He molestered me!"— Corporate Ron (@ChickenMacabre) May 15, 2015
wow...my young hero! there should be one like him in Malaysia! he surely turned an island into a cupcake http://t.co/7cDAoPCie6— Redza Shahwis (@merahza) May 15, 2015
Amos Yee just having a good time. And helping Mr Vincent, his bailor, earn a little extra cash (by lawsuits). http://t.co/9hFnYKncZG— Tay Chun Min 鄭俊民 (@drkrpr) May 15, 2015
Amos yee is one chemical accident away from being a supervillian— Keith Chew ◢◤ (@Keithcheww) May 15, 2015
Amos yee is a smart kid. But he is still a kid. This media frenzy is making everything far more ridiculous than it has to be.— Nur Huda Khamis (@Hudseys) May 15, 2015
Amos Yee is currently (quite intentionally) testing how much people actually believe in freedom in Singapore. #BukanSekadarBicara— Kakiseni (@KakiseniTweets) May 15, 2015
No wonder Amos Yee's parents hate their own son. He bites the hand that feeds him.— Loh YeeChien (@4everZlatan) May 15, 2015
No offense to people who support Amos yee but that child deserves no empathy. I swear that child is like the demon in the flesh— Jess H. (@honeyinthesunn) May 15, 2015
My mom and sister just called me the 2nd Amos Yee like what did I even do ?— Benwhoah (@Benwhoah) May 15, 2015
.@amosyee ohh Amos... you are oh so Timeless.— Quantum Genesis (@joeysimlimsqr) May 15, 2015
— Joe Boccio (@boccio) May 15, 2015
@amosyee bro !! Power lah bro ! Respect sama lu !— Lord RedKakarot (@redgoku90) May 15, 2015
No words ah they say. But i have to be frank that this boy is a genius ! http://t.co/oqAlu2TNuL— PUTERA ALI NAJIB (@ALINAJIBBAKSHER) May 15, 2015
This kid. Can't say I dislike him, can't say I disagree with him. But I can say I like his style lol We've all... http://t.co/ojuT9fJ9k2— Keli'i' Koh (@kkelster) May 15, 2015
reminds me of my confusion when I was young. Why people would rather have fake apologies than real admissions? http://t.co/QgfqVU1fLm— Aaron Loy (@shadowoflighty) May 15, 2015
Amos yee is obviously mentally unstable. He obviously needs help— arz (@ilzra) May 15, 2015
Is Amos Yee wrong? — I'm not going to say he's completely wrong. He was just trying to give out his opinions and... http://t.co/94COXSY5ky— crystal (@CrystalLimXD) May 15, 2015
Much like the Twilight Saga, it just keeps getting better. http://t.co/PQzhvVGb99— Carlton Tan (@carltontansg) May 16, 2015
More than I was shocked and offended, I was saddened to see Amos Yee go down this road. His latest blog post is... http://t.co/jWBu46hJ6W— Carlton Tan (@carltontansg) May 16, 2015
Even as people comdemn him, I find Amos Yee a brilliant writer. Too bad his high IQ is wasted on the wrong stuff.— Harrick Tu (@tuharrick) May 16, 2015
Can't believe The Straits Times couldn't detect Amos Yee's sarcasm in his apology, getting humiliated once again. pic.twitter.com/yfNu7s2sG4— Clyde Wong (@ClydoMilo) May 16, 2015
Did Amos Yee just spell lying as lieing? pic.twitter.com/tmBIPStz3D— Vanessa (@vansssx) May 16, 2015
MY MOTHER JUST SAID TO ME "why are you dressed like amos yee" WTFFFFFF— YA GURL MEL (@mel2cool4you) May 16, 2015
Alamak is Amos Yee Losing his mind? http://t.co/i2kbfQwTko— Rilek1Corner (@Rilek1Corner) May 16, 2015
@amosyee I get that you are angry and that his treatment of you sucked, but you are destroying your own credibility now. Not well played.— Tim Ogilvy (@Tim_Ogilvy) May 16, 2015
Only other child with as psychotic a mind as Amos Yee is Cartman. I have to say that i am a wee bit envious. The cunning on that boy. Damn.— Trundle The Great (@ShaunMercury) May 16, 2015
I keep seeing this prick amos yee's face almost everyday be it on social media or the news. Hope the prick gets 25 to life or smth— bash (@basyirlol) May 16, 2015
is Amos Yee a meninist..............— Abigail (@okayabigail) May 16, 2015
Can someone get little Amos Yee a crash course in media law? Thanks.— Ng Yi Shu (@theyishusblog) May 16, 2015
The Straits Times' vilification of Amos Yee is "objectionable on the grounds of public interest, public order and national harmony". #2FACED— Read 'em and reap (@Ryl029) May 16, 2015
How is Amos Yee still alive at his age? I'm surprised people haven't tried to kill him earlier.— Brienne of Snark. (@blackadlerqueen) May 16, 2015
Speechless, annoyed, indifferent yet intrigued. #AmosYeehttps://t.co/AJ8aA4de2Q— Nilesh (@nilesh13) May 16, 2015
I mean srsly has there been a local performance art piece more compelling and provocative etc than amos yee lmao— Genghis Haaaannn (@uoenobrrr) May 16, 2015
As expected...the wayang goes on...get your popcorn and watch the show http://t.co/WteYVGdZKj— Greg Tay (@Gt35proTay) May 16, 2015
So in the recent weeks I've been bombarded with many questions about Amos Yee in regards to my father, Vincent Law."...
Posted by Francis Micah Law on Saturday, May 16, 2015
I just heard from my mother, that Vincent called her, and said that I should go back to jail, and seek psychiatric...
Posted by Amos Yee on Saturday, May 16, 2015